Re-advertisement: Are You our New Head Coach?

By the end of 2016 Michael Klæsøe, our splendid Head Coach for the past four seasons, stepped down. Therefore, Erritsoe GIF Rugby is seeking his replacement. For immediate appointment or appointment by agreement.

Your primary obligations will, among other things, cover an ongoing development of our squad’s rugby skills, allowing us to meet the objectives defined in our rugby club’s vision, mission and goals. Your average expected time consumption is 5 to 10 hours a week.

Our present first team squad consists of a mixture of younger and older players, most of whom have ten years of rugby experience or more. A handful of players have less than five years’ rugby experience. Most of our players have practised and played rugby for other clubs before joining us. A handful of our players have played in other countries, such as Fiji, New Zealand and The Ukraine.

Last autumn our first team competed in Division One and finished second in that league, making us the eighth best Danish rugby team in 2016. This is the starting point from which you, as our new Head Coach, will take over our first team squad.

As our new Head Coach you are expected to make and execute a long-term plan for development of our male players and first team squad, so that we will once again belong to the top of Danish rugby. In these efforts our men’s team manager and our juniors’ team manager, as well as the club committee, will be your close sparring partners.

Please forward your application to our Secretary, Helle Ullerup, at, including all relevant enclosures and attachments, no later than 7th February 2017.

In case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards, Erritsø GIF Rugby

Fredericia, Monday 23rd January 2017                                

For more information, please contact:

Kurt Petersen, Chairman, mobile +45 2026 3337,

Allan Pertti Frandsen, Vice Chair, Men’s Team Manager, mobile +45 6139 3065,

Visit us on

and find us on Instagram and Twitter.

Erritsø GIFs rugbyhold i 1. division, som i lørdags ude slog DTU Exiles med hele 45 – 0. Øverst fra venstre: Kevin Harmon, Thor Steendahl, landsholdsspiller Jeppe Maagaard Holm, Jan Nielsen, Tobias Kragelund Mulvad, Alexander Hansen og Michael Axø. Nederst fra venstre: George Melgaard, spillende træner Michael Klæsøe, Caper Bruus Aerts, Christoffer Ki Winstrøm, Zane Schaefer, Emil Boe Sørensen, holdkaptajn Hans Erik Severinsen, Jens Vissing og norsk landsholdsspiller Kristoffer Borsheim. Foto: Erritsø GIF Rugby..

Erritsø GIF’s first team that beat DTU Exiles away by  an impressive 45  to 0. This Division One match took place in September 2016. 
Standing, from left: Kevin Harmon, Thor Steendahl, international player Jeppe Maagaard Holm, Jan Nielsen, Tobias Kragelund Mulvad, Alexander Hansen and Michael Axø.
Kneeling, from left: George Melgaard, then Head Coach Michael Klæsøe, Casper Bruus Aerts, Christoffer Ki Winstrøm, Zane Schaefer, Emil Boe Sørensen, team captain Hans Erik Severinsen, Jens Vissing and Norwegian international Kristoffer Borsheim.
Photo by Erritsø GIF Rugby.